ALLAI | Weizenbaum AIA in-depth roundtable series off to a successful start

June 30, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

Tweede Kamer Commissie Digitalisering vraagt ALLAI om input over AI

June 12, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

AIA in-depth #3b | High-Risk AI Requirements

May 19, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

Responsible AI & Corona – Concluding Paper

April 21, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

AIA in-depth #3a | High-Risk AI Classification

April 20, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

AIA in-depth #2 | Prohibited AI Practices (series of papers)

April 18, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

Council of Europe starts drafting AI Treaty (ALLAI continues as Observer)

April 3, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

Our Minds, Monitored and Manipulated – Article Verfassungsblog

March 28, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller speaks at European Parliament on AI Act

March 28, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

AI and health inequality in times of Corona

February 16, 2022/by Catelijne Muller

Algorithmic Management: What if AI becomes boss?

December 13, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

WRR: ALLAI eerste onafhankelijke organisatie in Europa die zich volledig toelegt op verantwoord gebruik van AI

November 11, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

European AI Stakeholder Summit 2021

November 8, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

EESC Plenary approves Catelijne Muller’s opinion on the AI Act with overwhelming majority

September 22, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

WorldSummitAI: ALLAI co-hosts Headliner Policy Panel on the AI Act

September 19, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Horizon Europe: ALLAI as your Trustworthy AI Consortium Partner

September 12, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Draft AI Act: ALLAI analysis and recommendations

August 15, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne and Virginia speak at SAILS Summer Conference on Law and AI

July 5, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Webinar: “AI & Corona, Opportunities and Challenges” – 14 June at EESC

June 7, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller speaks at European Parliament hearing on AI & Work and Skills

June 1, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

AI & Mensenrechten, Democratie en de Rechtsstaat

May 4, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

EU’s AI Regulation: Europe Puts Fundamental Rights and Values Front and Center

April 21, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

The Myth of Complete AI-Fairness – by Virginia Dignum

April 5, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller becomes member of OECD Network of Experts on AI (ONE.AI)

March 24, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Belgian AI Week: Catelijne Muller joins panel on AI & work, Education and Skills

March 18, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Municipality of Amsterdam pilots ALLAI’s “Framework for Responsible AI in Times of Corona”

March 11, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller addresses the European Parliament’s AIDA Committee on AI & Labour

March 4, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

New: AI & Corona Observatory

February 18, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Recap: Masterclass Responsible AI & Corona for (Dutch) Policymakers

February 18, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

Council of Europe Calls for a Ban on Certain Facial Recognition Applications

February 10, 2021/by Catelijne Muller