AI Made in Europe: Interview with Catelijne Muller (a.o.) in “De Ingenieur”

February 8, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

A Framework for Responsible AI in Times of Corona (paper)

January 15, 2021/by Catelijne Muller

ALLAI joins Council of Europe’s CAHAI as Observer

December 18, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Council of Europe: Towards Regulation of AI Systems (contr. by C. Muller a.o.)

December 15, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

It’s Human Rights Day: How AI impacts virtually all human rights

December 10, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Expert Sessie Responsible AI & Corona voor Beleidsmakers

December 7, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Op-ed: Why the world should not adopt China’s QR-code system

November 25, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Why we need responsible AI in times of Corona and how to achieve it (Paper)

November 25, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller speaks at United Nations’ AI for Good Summit

October 29, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

ALLAI speaks with MEP’s on recent AI reports European Parliament

October 29, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

ALLAI’s Virginia Dignum joins the Global Partnership on AI

October 24, 2020/by ALLAI

Responsible AI & Corona officially launched at WorldSummitAI

October 8, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller and Virginia Dignum speak with European Commission VP Jourova

October 7, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller in Horizon Magazine: Artificial intelligence’s limitations in coronavirus response

October 6, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Op-ed Virginia Dignum: Responsible AI in times of Pandemic

October 5, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

ALLAI feedback for European AI regulation

September 16, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Virginia Dignum co-authors UNICEF’s Policy Guidance on AI for Children

September 16, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

ALLAI joins EU-funded Project “Trust AI” for Higher Education

September 13, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller spreekt tijdens AI-drieluik: Dokter in de Digitale Wereld

September 10, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

New: EU Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI | Guidance and Implementation Program

July 16, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

Catelijne Muller presents EESC opinion on the EU Whitepaper on AI

July 15, 2020/by ALLAI

ALLAI translates EU Ethics Guidelines into Ethical Charter for Dutch Insurance Sector

July 15, 2020/by Catelijne Muller

ALLAI advises Council of Europe on AI & Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law (paper)

July 6, 2020/by ALLAI

EC VP Margarethe Vestager and Catelijne Muller speak on Trustworthy AI for Europe

June 30, 2020/by ALLAI

Catelijne Muller speaks at hearing Belgian Parliament (in Dutch)

June 30, 2020/by ALLAI

Final analysis of the EU Whitepaper on AI

June 16, 2020/by ALLAI

Wetenschappers en experts aan Kabinet: “Geen Corona-apps zonder waarborgen voor grondrechten en aandacht voor maatschappelijke implicaties”

April 13, 2020/by ALLAI

First analysis of the EU Whitepaper on AI

February 22, 2020/by ALLAI

ALLAI’s First Year in Review

January 1, 2020/by ALLAI

ALLAI kicks-off Responsible AI Awareness Program at Dutch Tax Authorities

December 20, 2019/by Catelijne Muller